Инна Иванова Saturday, April 25, 2020

The technology of prayer: safety technique

The technology of prayer: safety technique

In all prayers, not the requests of the human mind, but the state of the human Soul are always taken into account. You can read the most miraculous prayers in the most beautiful words in all languages — the effect will be zero... And this is still lucky for you! With foolish persistence, you can also get sick, because the words of "miraculous prayers" are for the Soul and the awareness of this planet a kind of access codes. And they tell the System that you are ready for cleansing and ask for it yourself. And it begins... Difficulties at work or in business. Problems with the car. Small and large breakdowns of any equipment. Husband/wife cheats. Or leaves at all. Children demonstrate various variants of hatred... Or — all together. And what will you do? The correct answer is to thank. Always — to thank.

True prayer is not a request or a demand. Prayer is gratitude.

How to thank? Oh, you will quickly learn to thank and pray, but first you will go through hatred, despair, repentance and various bonuses on the way of purification. The bathhouse with a desperate bath attendant also at first looks like an execution, but after you are whipped in all places, it is very good... Grace!

Does it sound scary? No — logical. You can conduct an experiment personally. Or at least remember when you had money troubles, accidents, divorces, etc. And track what you "accidentally" asked for before that. It can be something nice and, it would seem, "correct".

This year a businessman from Russia came to visit me, who after another long tasting of alcohol decided to quickly improve... And — asked Nicholas the Wonderworker for humility! Of course — Nicholas looks like such a kind grandfather on the icon... Moreover — the Wonderworker. It is a sin not to ask. He addressed him as a relative. On emotions. Such a strong desire showed. He put his whole Soul into the request. The words spoken aloud, and even reinforced by an emotional peak — become not a request, not a desire, but an intention. The Soul Always fulfills the intention.

Who else did this — let me know! I am sure that you started a series of incessant disasters. In human understanding, of course...

...It took three years. The man learned humility after he gradually lost the "usual values". Now he is rebuilding his business and improving relations with his ex-wife and child. Nicholas the Wonderworker he now constantly thanks for the rapid transformation of personality and promises not to bother him with nonsense.

Do not ask when you are unaware of the consequences of "beautiful words" and "miraculous prayers". To the point and to the time, Fyodor Tyutchev's remark is remembered: "We are not given to foresee how our word will respond...".

Now I will separately emphasize the importance of the state of the Soul during prayer. Your prayer may not be obvious to others. You can chop wood and rejoice. Watch TV and rejoice. Cook dinner and rejoice. Technology is clear? Clear.

All you need for prayer is to live and rejoice. True prayer, like true meditation — a constant state. You do not need to enter it. And it is impossible to get out of it. You live in this state. Although for others you look like an ordinary person, whom eternity gave a good mood.

This, by the way, is alarming to others the most... William Burroughs has a wonderful saying on this topic: "A paranoid is someone who knows a little about what's going on around, and a psycho is someone who has just finally figured it all out".

We never exchange words with God. A person has about 65 thousand thoughts a day. And most of them are dull... You know what... No one "above" listens to the lamentations of how people of one of the developing races on one of the planets in one of the billions of galaxies are dissatisfied with the existing order of things. No one. Remember this fact. But the state of your electromagnetic fields (Soul), which communicate with the Matrix (Higher Self) through wavelengths are constantly monitored and recorded as well as an electrocardiogram. Everything is fair. The system of God can not be deceived. God is the highest mathematics. God is quantum physics. God is absolute logic. You can not negotiate with God with words. Only with states. Why so? The answer is simple: You want God's love — you give and show him your Love... But, I repeat, this is not an exclamation: "Lord, I love you!". Because the person implies: "Just in case I'll tell you this, Lord. And what if you really exist and „watch“ me? Huh? Where are you there? Can you hear me?".

I answer — not audible, but visible.

God looks at you through your Soul. The Soul obviously sees how the electromagnetic fields change with each thought. But the Soul does not read your thoughts. Even does not listen, because they are usually heard as a nagging incessant buzzing. Similar to the neighbor's drill, which everyone "loves" to enjoy on Sunday mornings... Therefore, the Soul turns off the option of listening to the mental drill and observes only the changes that occur at the energy level. Here — as you understand — it is impossible to deceive. No one to deceive — electromagnetism — an impartial phenomenon. Even the most "righteous" thoughts can deceive only the superficial mind and give you a temporary relief from your own vanity: "Oh, well done, I prayed... Talked to God heart to heart... It was easier on the heart!" Plus in karma? Error of perception. If the electromagnetic fields do not glow during such a prayer, then the "righteousness", and the "most powerful prayers", which are now flooded with the Internet, do not go into the account.

The state during prayer should not be exalted, like a fan, crazy from the influx of emotions, when he sees his favorite football team. It is enough to remember how you looked at the sunrise over the ocean... At a loved one... At yourself, when you are delighted with the seen creation... Different options are suitable. Love. The beauty of nature. Tenderness. Any feelings that were so good that it was hard to describe them. Only to feel.

Prayer must be felt. And what text will be... Or there will be no text at all... It does not matter. Your state of relaxed love is prayer. The only and true.

But do not try to immediately love God! God forbid from such stupidity! He gave you people. They are around. While you can not love all humanity fashionable now "unconditional love".

Love your relatives. Love your family. Love your friends. But not in words, but in deeds. Do not quarrel. Do not cheat. Do not show unreasonable claims. Do not try to rise at the expense of another. Just — do not hurt people, if they came to you with good. Take care. Smile. Help. Understand. Share... Here — really a difficult task — to know God through man.

There is one more important addition to what has been said: when you pray before icons, or before statues of Buddha, or near any human sanctities, then — first of all — wish happiness, love and effective passage of the path to the one who is before you.
This is such a simple technology...

People often forget to wish Jesus Christ happiness. But why? It is logical to wish the Teacher what you pray for yourself. Then what you sincerely wished the Teacher will return to you, multiplied a hundredfold.

Just, please, just wish. Refrain from requests, as it would itch inside to tell him about your "most important" needs. I remind you, your Soul tells everything... And with such adequate behavior towards the "higher powers" you will quickly learn to live so that the Teacher decides to lead you by fate... Personally.

Do. Checked. Works.

P. S.

A man asked God:

— Lord, why do I need to turn to You with prayer, if You already know what I need?

God answered:

— I know. You need to pray to know what you want.

Saturday, April 25, 2020 1:10 PM 

Как пишут некоторые авторы, молитва важна не столько как средство достижения каких-то материальных или других личных человеческих целей. Молясь, мы напрямую обращаемся к Богу, поэтому лишний раз осознаем его влияние, присутствие и непостижимость. Мы понимаем, что всего лишь капельки в большом океане его вездесущности. Это ощущение очень помогает избавиться от внутренних человеческих заскоков типа чувства собственной важности, беспокойства и т.д. Потому что вспоминать в течение дня о Боге по эффекту еще круче, чем практиковать осознанность. Самое примитивное для этого средство — повторение имен Бога у кришнаидов и суфиев. Наверное, молитва — это более продвинутый метод. 🤔

И, как написала автор, суть конечно же не в словах. Но, читая определенную молитву, мы можем достичь и определенного внутреннего состояния. Согласитесь, трудно просить для всех людей мудрости, осознанности и любви, внутри при этом думая и чувствуя не по теме.

Написал свой опыт и опыт автора, которого читал. Поэтому, если есть желание, попробуйте провести эксперимент. Например, начать новый день с молитвы оптинских старцев на начало дня. Может, и на вашем духовном пути молитва станет катализатором каких-нибудь определенных процессов. Всем добра и удачи на Пути. ✌

Wednesday, April 29, 2020 12:56 PM 

Благодарю, Вас! 🙏❤️

Wednesday, May 6, 2020 7:55 PM 

Инна, благодарю за очень глубокие познания и очень важные рекомендации! Неоднократно замечала, что приходя в храм и думая, что сейчас попрошу одно, другое в молитвах, стою перед иконами, а в голову ни одна мысль не идёт, ничего просить-то и не хочется, кроме слов благодарности, стоишь и думаешь ведь ты абсолютно счастливый человек. У тебя есть все, жизнь, возможность видеть, слышать всю красоту мироздания, чувствовать любовь и только чувство благодарности переполняет!!! А дома люблю желать всем счастья по Торсунову, тоже очень эффективно, даёт много сил побеждать судьбу!))

Monday, June 29, 2020 6:58 PM 

Инна, благодарю! У меня привычка говорить «Доброе утро» просыпаясь своим ангелам хранителям, всем святым, своей Душе.

Sunday, November 15, 2020 11:30 PM 

Инна, как всегда глубоко и в цель! Благодарю тебя и желаю Любви, Счастья и Радости во все времена!

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©2020–2025 Individual Entrepreneur Inna Yurievna Ivanova, Taxpayer Identification Number (UNP) 193419490 registered by the Minsk City Executive Committee on 05/14/2020 and entered into the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus on 10/23/2020 with the No 494817. Business address: Frolikova str., 1-35, 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.