Meditation with a Sadhguru for success. Cheat Shakti
I ask you to perform this technique only after you have passed The practice of getting rid of suffering. It is important to let go of superficial desires at least a little. Otherwise, you will attract passions from the past, the fulfillment of which will not bring benefits. Or you will make yourself even more unhappy in the aftermath if desires are associated with influencing the will of other people.
Example: "I want to marry such and such a person.".. This is the effect on the will of a particular person. And here's asking for to live in love and joy with your beloved and loving partner great. Just don't need to put a familiar" image into practice. Not just not necessary impossible!
Why is it so easy for a Sadhguru to offer this meditation without prior preparation? Everything is simple. The master knows that desperate human idiocy is not fulfilled. And if a person is very persistent, then after getting what he wants, he will still pay with a lot. And it will return to the beginning. And then he will wish for a truly great one. But for us, time matters. Therefore...
If you are strongly hooked and you want to do this meditation right now, then please, all three times that are offered, wish one thing for the effective development of destiny. Only such a desire will not lead you to retribution for stupidity. Only such a wish is fulfilled in the shortest possible time. Only such a desire is considered conscious.