Ray meditations

Columns in the temple

I give these beautiful meditations so that you can listen to them and relax. They are very kind and have a lot of useful information in them. But... The meditations are about entities from other dimensions that lead stories from the first persons. These beautiful faces are representatives of the ancient civilization of Lemuria, who managed to escape when 12 thousand years ago the giant continent of Mu disappeared under the waves of the Pacific Ocean overnight. The story of these characters is taken from the book Telos. Revelations of the New Lemuria. According to the plot of the story, they live in the five-dimensional city of Telos under Mount Shasta in California and decided to convey their messages to humanity through the author of the book Aurelia Louise Jones.


I ask you not to perceive the existence of underground civilizations of the Inner Earth as a reality. Yes, it used to be like that. But now it's not necessary to go out into the yard and start digging in order to speed up the meeting. I understand that sometimes you want to believe that higher civilizations are waiting for some fateful hour, and then suddenly they will come to the surface, reunite with us and everything will be fine. It is not necessary to bring illusions into your beautiful conscious head.

Therefore, I repeat, we just listen, just use our imagination and just relax.

The Energy Of The First Ray

The Will of God as a way of Submission and Acquisition of Wisdom

Meditation: a journey to the Temple of God's Will

The Energy Of The Second Ray

The Fire of Enlightenment, Inspiration and Enlightenment

Meditation: a journey to the Temple of Enlightenment

The Energy Of the Third Ray

The Fire of Cosmic Love

Meditation: a journey to the Temple of the Fire of Love

The Energy of the Fourth Ray

The Cleansing and transforming Fire of Ascension

Meditation: a journey to the Temple of Ascension

The Energy of the Fifth Ray

The Great Jade Temple of Telos and the Flame of Healing

Meditation on the Great Jade Temple and Healing Energy

The Energy of the Sixth Ray

The Flame of Resurrection

Meditation: a journey to the Temple of Resurrection

The Energy of the Seventh Ray

Purple Flame of Freedom and Change

Transformation of past situations

Meditation: a journey to the Temple of the Violet Flame

Meditation: opening the portal of Love

Meditation: the emanation of Love and Light

Resurrected Eyes

Tips from the book by Nadezhda Travina "Resurrected Eyes"

Meditation to restore vision

Reprogramming of the hormonal system for cell regeneration

Reorganization of the physical body

Meditation to achieve balance between male and female energies

©2020–2025 Individual Entrepreneur Inna Yurievna Ivanova, Taxpayer Identification Number (UNP) 193419490 registered by the Minsk City Executive Committee on 05/14/2020 and entered into the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus on 10/23/2020 with the No 494817. Business address: Frolikova str., 1-35, 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.