The divine breath of fire

The Divine breath of Al-Nafs Norr

You take a breath, but not a full one, but about 40-45 percent of a normal inhale. Holding your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale. Holding your breath for 5 seconds. And inhale again. This Sufi practice also has vipassana is the Buddha's favorite practice. Inhale delay. Exhale — delay.

Nothing complicated. The effect is amazing. It can be performed at any time and in any place. We've just started to get nervous. We're doing it. We are walking — doing. Special conditions are not needed for this practice. Only your intention is to light a fire in yourself.

©2020–2025 Individual Entrepreneur Inna Yurievna Ivanova, Taxpayer Identification Number (UNP) 193419490 registered by the Minsk City Executive Committee on 05/14/2020 and entered into the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus on 10/23/2020 with the No 494817. Business address: Frolikova str., 1-35, 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.