Breathing to get rid of fear
The Divine breath of Al-Nafas Haffi
Feet are shoulder-width apart. With a full breath, raise your hands up to the level of your forehead. We grab the thumb of the right hand with the left hand. We smoothly move our hands down and press the thumb, which we hold with our left hand, to the navel. On exhalation, we bend the body and lead it down to the bent knees. We hold our breath. And while holding our breath, we swing in different directions. This practice is similar to bowing to the ground.
It relieves stress and fears well. Over time, the breath delays will become longer and longer.
This breathing resembles the Wim Hof method, which I described separately. But in this case, dynamic meditation is added to the breathing.
Sufis believe that this breathing "accelerates the growth of the spirit". If you start coughing, then immediately do the exercise "shaking" and "patting massage of the chest area with your palms folded in a bucket."