Инна Иванова Saturday, September 12, 2020

Profit technique in love and business

Profit technique in love and business

I love working with rich people because they are the ones who ask, "How do I become happy?" And I always hear from them another great question: "What can I do for this?". I have already described the difference in the logic of the rich and the poor in one of the materials. Let me remind you. A poor person usually says to me, "What can you do for me?" Rich: "What can I do for myself?" As you can see, the brains of successful people work normally: my life is my responsibility.

Therefore, if the main question for you is: "What can I do for myself?", and the question for a friend is: "What can I do for you?", then you are already a rich man, and the amount of money in the bank account is just a sequence of actions and practice.

Really, many people can become richer if they remove the limitations in their minds. It's difficult, but not in the way that seminars like "Your path to financial independence" usually describe. It is enough to understand the universal technology of retribution. You can even call it a crazy practice, but it works like all cosmic humor: to get, you have to give. And this simplicity is usually disliked by users who have doubts: "When will they give me?", "How long do I need to do this?".

If you want money, then you start giving. You do the technique without hope of a result. You take out your wallet and card and pay whenever you have money. You give the "last one" if circumstances require it. And you don't expect to be "paid off" for it: they will praise and appreciate. You are showing the System that you are willing to take risks. But if thoughts creep into your mind: "how will I live to paycheck", "and when I have more money", "why should I pay", then the technology will not work: the fear of "running out of money" will block opportunities in the future. Because...

What does fear do with great power? That's right — it's being executed. Thinking about wealth and being afraid of poverty at the same time is not effective.

Yes... I know. Many people who dream of how they will become millionaires and engage in charity for the joy of all enlightened humanity, in everyday life, even for a gift to their loved ones, they cannot spend an "extra" ten-twenty-fifty dollars, what's there to remember about other people's sufferers.

Yes... I understand. Today it's still scary for you to say goodbye to money easily. But it's just a habit. You do something for a while and get used to it. Therefore, at least start practicing in action, and not reading books about which envelopes you need to lay out bills in order to create a "safety cushion" for yourself. What kind of security can there be in this world if changes come without warning. Ay-ay-ay... The financial crisis is back. Ay-ay-ay... Again, you need to earn from scratch. But I had money, and I never had time to live the way I wanted to! You fool!

To get more, it was necessary to give the "last". The latter is always the best investment in the future. Because you take risks — and your brain gets used to acting without limits.

Love those who love you

If you want love, then first show yourself how you love. Without hope of a result. Don't get mad at others. Don't take it out on the kids. A lot of "not" can be listed...

It may seem that you are adjusting? No. No one forces you to be friendly when you don't want to be. Also, you should not be overly positive. Just let people be. To be anything. And invest your time in developing your friendly relationship with the brain.

Has someone abandoned you, betrayed you, refused you? Accept it as a fact. You don't have to sacrifice your life for those who sent you away. You don't need to live with them, fix them, wait for them to understand and appreciate... In general, cancel all this rubbish that supports your suffering.

Love those who love you. This is the healthiest psychological attitude and an indicator of an adequate attitude towards one's own personality. Even if this personality is actually imposed on you by your mind.

To forgive or not to be offended?

You have decided that you have been betrayed. What are you doing? Get up and leave. It is not recommended to sort things out with a scandal. If you can live with it, please. Your choice. You like to forgive so much. Isn't it? A pleasant feeling of superiority.

As soon as you begin to "forgive," you step into the role of God and grant "mercy." Not our technology!.. You just don't have to be offended. It's much easier.

No offense, no forgiveness. How much time is saved. After all, any offense is just your judgment that someone "bad" did something wrong to you with such a "good" one.

If you don't make judgments about people, then you will only have a feeling inside. And — it's beautiful. This is the "banal" love. Can I take it away from you? No, of course not. She's yours. And it does not depend on external objects and circumstances. Swim in it. Enjoy the fact that you can experience such bright and powerful magic.

If you do not make judgments about people, then emotions about the infringement of the precious ego do not arise. This, I'll tell you, is a really high self—esteem, which — in fact — does not exist. To understand this technology is to make a huge leap into happiness. To apply it on yourself is to immediately enter into awareness. To love, regardless of the opinions of others, is freedom. Practice. Even if it takes years. But a day like this is worth all your past. And the year? It's a never-ending bliss. And more?.. Oh, you don't know what you're giving up, still crying over your exes... People. Relationships. Sometimes.

Fear destroys the future

Anxiety about lack of money and lack of love overwhelms the possibilities. You will not deceive your brain, but it will deceive you. It always deceives by sending signals that you are a wonderful person with whom the world is unfair. And if the world is so unpredictable, then you need to be afraid of it.

Fear destroys a successful future, because you experience it in the present. It is not fate that does not give you money and love, you burn them yourself, without even coming close to understanding the inexpediency of experiences. Once you lost money, lost your business, lost your partner, but why are your thoughts and emotions still wandering "there" where there is no one and nothing?

Your life is not about how old you are now. Life is always just one day between when you wake up and when you sink back into unconsciousness.

Tomorrow is an endless infinity that absolutely does not exist for your brain. You act either today or never. Engrave it in your mind. Write down on the "wailing wall" of your suffering: "Today or never. And tomorrow I will die."

Whatever you want, let it reach you. Every hour. Every second. But only when the reality of death is registered in your mind — you will immediately become rich, spiritual, and happy. A second of eternity and hello enlightenment, as the primordial state of freedom from restrictions.

Saturday, September 12, 2020 1:00 PM 

Ааа.. аж до слёз... аж провалилась в другое измерение!!! Инна, спасибо за напоминание, что в Жизни, длиною в пол-вздоха, нет ничего, кроме Любви ❤️ и этого мгновения!!! 🙏🙏❤️

Saturday, September 12, 2020 1:07 PM 

Я Счастлива от того, что могу читать эти строки! ❤️🙏

Saturday, September 12, 2020 1:15 PM 

Супер, Инна. Сильно, мудро, по существу. 👍

Хочу написать о финансах. Около полугода назад поменял свои взгляды на деньги. Перестал вести строгий подсчет доходов и расходов, выбирать самые дешевые продукты и вещи. Следил за тем, чтобы на параллельной банковской карточке лежало 500-1000 рублей, которые в любой момент можно потратить на необходимые траты. Перестал жалеть деньги для жены на вещи, маникюр и прочие радости жизни. Некоторую сумму денег каждый месяц тратил на различные пожертвования. Плюс все это было сопряжено с некоторыми другими внутренними практиками. В целом были созданы условия, при которых я постоянно чувствовал, что денег хватает, их достаточно и экономить, считать каждую копейку нет необходимости. Что я могу их тратить без необходимости постоянно с тремором проверять баланс на карточке. В результате произошли определенные изменения в жизни, которые в определенной степени улучшили материальное благосостояние. То ли я стал просто готов к увеличению финансов, то ли моя готовность спровоцировала приход дополнительных денег. Не знаю, что первично. Но главное — результат. Поэтому, могу сказать, что на основе своего опыта утверждал бы: страх отсутствия денег как раз и приводит к их отсутствию. И наоборот. Очень хорошо тема раскрыта у Сатьи в лекции «Семь привычек, программирующих людей на бедность». В общем, пока не попробуешь, не поймешь)))

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 8:46 AM 

Инна, спасибо огромное за статью. Особенно тронуло, что Мы живём в дне, только в нем то есть Здесь и Сейчас. И там можно и нужно находиться без сожалений и ожиданий. Спасибо еще раз.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020 10:16 AM 

Инна, благодарю! Зацепило каждой фразой! «Сегодня или никогда, а завтра я умру» — у меня этот процесс начался после 30 августа. Очень жёстко, твоя статья четко всё объяснила. Благодарю!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020 11:24 PM 

Статья возвращает в момент «здесь и сейчас» лучше любой медитации. Поймала себя на состоянии, что как-будто разбудили после сна и невольно начинаешь осматриваться «где я проснулся и что происходит вокруг».

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©2020–2024 Individual Entrepreneur Inna Yurievna Ivanova, Taxpayer Identification Number (UNP) 193419490 registered by the Minsk City Executive Committee on 05/14/2020 and entered into the Trade Register of the Republic of Belarus on 10/23/2020 with the No 494817. Business address: Frolikova str., 1-35, 220037, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.